Keypose and Gesture Database (KGD)

This database provides the training set described in the paper "Real-time gesture recognition from depth data through key poses learning and decision forests". You can download the files here. This database is free for use in research projects.

Keyposes database

The keypose database is an ascii text file called "posedb.txt" with samples for the 18 keyposes described in the figure above. The names of each keypose can be found in the file "posenames.txt". Each line gives the description of the skeleton of a keypose sample in spherical coordinates of the body joints, and the keypose integer identifier, in the following order:

1 - Right shoulder θ
2 - Left shoulder θ
3 - Right shoulder φ
4 - Left shoulder φ
5 - Right hip θ
6 - Left hip θ
7 - Right elbow θ
8 - Right elbow φ
9 - Left elbow θ
10 - Left elbow φ
11 - Right knee θ
12 - Left knee θ
13 - Torso θ
14 - Keypose id

Obs.: θ ∈ [0, 180] and φ ∈ [-180,180].

Gestures keypose representations

The gestures keypose representation is an ascii text file called "gesturedb.txt" with sequences of keyposes represented by the keyposes id found in the keyposes database. Each line contains one keypose sequence (of possibly several) describing a gesture. Each line follows the format:

1 - Gesture id
2 - Number of keyposes in the sequence
3 - Keyposes id
4 - Time interval between a pair of consecutive keyposes.

Gesture training set

The file "" contains one example of each gesture used to automatically extract the keypose representations of "gesturedb.txt". Each file represents one gesture, and each line contains a frame represented by cartesian coordinates and joint angles in the following order:

1 - Head x,y,z
2 - Neck x,y,z
3 - Left hand x,y,z
4 - Torso x,y,z
5 - Left Elbow x,y,z
6 - Left shoulder x,y,z
7 - Right hand x,y,z
8 - Right Elbow x,y,z
9 - Right shoulder x,y,z
10 - Left foot x,y,z
11 - Left knee x,y,z
12 - Left hip x,y,z
13 - Right foot x,y,z
14 - Right knee x,y,z
15 - Right hip x,y,z
16 - Right shoulder θ
17 - Left shoulder θ
18 - Right shoulder φ
19 - Left shoulder φ
20 - Right hip θ
21 - Left hip θ
22 - Right elbow θ
23 - Right elbow φ
24 - Left elbow θ
25 - Left elbow φ
26 - Right knee θ
27 - Left knee θ
28 - Torso θ

Gesture execution set

The file "" contains, for each gesture, 10 examples from 10 users. The format is the same as in the gesture training set.


For questions, please contact Prof. Thales Vieira